CCAS Newsletter Archive

Newsletter Archive
The Society publishes a monthly newsletter, Observations, available to all of its members. It includes reviews of past meetings, notes on upcoming meetings, Society business, observing hints for current objects, and other items of interest to Society members. To obtain a copy of the current newsletter, join CCAS today!

We are proud that our former newsletter editor, Jim Anderson, won the 2006 Mabel Sterns Award for excellence in newsletter editing from the Astronomical League.

We are proud that our webmaster & newsletter editor, John Hepler, won the 2009 Mabel Sterns Award for excellence in newsletter editing from the Astronomical League.

We are proud that our webmaster & newsletter editor, John Hepler, won the 2016 Mabel Sterns Award for excellence in newsletter editing from the Astronomical League.

Year 2020

December 2020
Highlights include: "Capturing Mars During the 2020 Opposition," by CCAS Member Frank Angelini; "December 2020 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb, CCAS Treasurer & Observing Chair; "Looking Up: The Geminid Meteor Shower," by Don Knabb; and "NASA Night Sky Notes: Visitors to Both Jupiter and Saturn," by David Prosper.

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November 2020
Highlights include: "November 2020 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb, CCAS Treasurer & Observing Chair; "Astronomy Weather Resources," by Don Knabb; "Through the Eyepiece: The Triangulum Galaxy, Messier 33," by Don Knabb; "NASA Night Sky Notes: The International Space Station—20 Continuously Crewed Years of Operation," by David Prosper; and "Milky Way’s Shredded Companion Provides Clues about Dark Matter," by Adam Mann, Science Magazine.

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October 2020
Highlights include: "October 2020 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb, CCAS Treasurer & Observing Chair; "Through the Eyepiece: The Pleiades, Jewels of the Night!" by Don Knabb; "NASA Night Sky Notes: Observe the Skies Near Mars," by David Prosper; and "NASA, Space Force Partnership Aims to Make Space Exploration Safe," by Sarah Scoles, Science Magazine.

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September 2020
Highlights include: "September 2020 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb, CCAS Treasurer & Observing Chair; "Through the Eyepiece: The Coat Hanger Cluster, Cr 399," by Don Knabb; and "NASA Night Sky Notes: Summer Triangle Corner—Altair," by David Prosper.

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August 2020
Highlights include: "August 2020 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb, CCAS Treasurer & Observing Chair; "Through the Eyepiece: Comet NEOWISE," by Don Knabb; "NASA Night Sky Notes: Summer Triangle Corner—Deneb," by David Prosper; and "DIY Upgrades to a Dobsonian Reflector," by CCAS Member Navjot Hanspal.

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July 2020
Highlights include: "How High Is the Rim of Copernicus Crater?," by Frank Angelini, CCAS Member; "July 2020 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb, CCAS Treasurer & Observing Chair; "Through the Eyepiece: The Lagoon and Trifid Nebulas in Sagittarius," by Don Knabb; and "NASA Night Sky Notes: Mars’s Latest Visitor—NASA’s Perseverance Rover," by David Prosper.

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June 2020
Highlights include: "June 2020 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb, CCAS Treasurer & Observing Chair; "Book Review: Artemis by Andy Weir," by Don Knabb; "Through the Eyepiece: The Serpens-Ophiuchus Double Cluster or the Tweedledum and Tweedle-dee Clusters," by Don Knabb; and "NASA Night Sky Notes: Summer Triangle Corner—Vega," by David Prosper & Vivian White.

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May 2020
Highlights include: "WiFi Is Illegal in This American Town," by Matt Blitz, Popular Mechanics; "May 2020 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb, CCAS Treasurer & Observing Chair; "Looking Up: Mizar and Alcor, the Famous Double Star in The Big Dipper," by Don Knabb; and "NASA Night Sky Notes: Become a Citizen Scientist with NASA!" by David Prosper.

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April 2020
Highlights include: "Equipment Review: QHY PoleMaster," by CCAS Member Frank J. Angelini; "April 2020 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb, CCAS Treasurer & Observing Chair; "Through the Eyepiece: Double star Decapoda, Iota Cancri," by Don Knabb; and "NASA Night Sky Notes: Hubble at 30—Three Decades of Cosmic Discovery," by David Prosper.

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March 2020
Highlights include: "Carl Sagan’s Legacy: The Blue Dot," by CCAS Member Steve DellaPenna; "March 2020 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb, CCAS Treasurer &anp; Observing Chair; "Through the Eyepiece: M44, the Beehive Cluster," by Don Knabb; and "NASA Night Sky Notes: Dim Delights in Cancer," by David Prosper.

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February 2020
Highlights include: "February 2020 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb, CCAS Treasurer & Observing Chair; "Through the Eyepiece: Messier 94, the Galaxy with Rings within Rings," by Don Knabb; "Breaking News: NASA Artemis Program Challenged," by John Conrad, CCAS Member & NASA Solar System Ambassador; and "NASA Night Sky Notes: Betelgeuse and the Crab Nebula—Stellar Death and Rebirth," by David Prosper.

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January 2020
Highlights include: "January 2020 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb, CCAS Treasurer & Observing Chair; Through the Eyepiece: The Kite Cluster – NGC 1664," by Don Knabb; "NASA Night Sky Notes: The Orion Nebula — Window into a Stellar Nursery," by David Prosper; "A Planet Orbiting an Exploded Star Has Been Discovered," by Layal Liverpool , NewScientist magazine; and "Giant Radio Telescope Array Prepares to Begin Construction in Australia and South Africa," by Dennis Normile, Science magazine.

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The Society maintains on the website archival copies of all newsletters published from 1993 through the current year.
