CCAS Newsletter Archive

Newsletter Archive
The Society publishes a monthly newsletter, Observations, available to all of its members. It includes reviews of past meetings, notes on upcoming meetings, Society business, observing hints for current objects, and other items of interest to Society members. To obtain a copy of the current newsletter, join CCAS today!

We are proud that our former newsletter editor, Jim Anderson, won the 2006 Mabel Sterns Award for excellence in newsletter editing from the Astronomical League.

We are proud that our webmaster & newsletter editor, John Hepler, won the 2009 Mabel Sterns Award for excellence in newsletter editing from the Astronomical League.

Year 2011

December 2011
Highlights include: "Astrophotography: On-Axis Guiding," by CCAS member Gaston Baudat; "December 2011 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb, CCAS Treasurer & Observing Chair; "Part of Our Community," by Ken Lehr, West Goshen Township Newsletter Editor; "January 2012 Speaker & General Business," by Dave Hockenberry, CCAS Program Chair; "Through the Eyepiece: The Blue Snowball Nebula, NGC 7662," by Don Knabb; and "NASA Space Place: Re-thinking an Alien World: The Strange Case of 55 Cancri e," by Brice-Olivier Demory, a post-doctoral associate at MIT.

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November 2011
Highlights include: "Distinguished Speakers at Haverford College," by Dr. Beth Willman; "November 2011 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb, CCAS Treasurer & Observing Chair; "Looking Up: The Alpha Persei Cluster in Perseus," by Don Knabb; and "NASA Space Place: The Gray Cubicle You Want to Work In," by Dr. Tony Phillips.

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October 2011
Hilights include: "Equipment Review: TeleVue Delos Eyepiece," by CCAS Program Chair Dave Hockenberry; "Distinguished Speakers at Haverford College," by Dr. Beth Willman; "Boo’s Necklace, a Newly Discovered Telescopic Asterism in Sagittarius," by Don Knabb; "Hoopes Park Star Party a Success!" by Don Knabb; "Through the Eyepiece: The Witch’s Broom, NGC 6960 in Cygnus," by Don Knabb; and "NASA Space Place: Dark Clues to the Universe," by Dr. Marc Rayman.

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September 2011
Highlights include: "September 2011 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb, CCAS Secretary & Observing Chair; "Book Review: Choosing & Using a Refracting Telescopek," by CCAS Member Fred De Lucia; "Through the Eyepiece: NGC 6888," by Don Knabb; and, "NASA Space Place: Solar System Size Surprise," by Dr. Tony Phillips.

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August 2011
Highlights include: "August 2011 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb, CCAS Secretary & Observing Chair; "May Observing Session a Big Hit!" by Don Knabb; "Looking Up: Binocular Objects in Sagittarius & Scorpio," by Don Knabb; and "NASA Space Place - New GOES-R to Give More Tornado Warning Time," by Dauna Coulter & Dr. Tony Phillips.

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July 2011
Highlights include: "July 2011 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb, CCAS Secretary & Observing Chair; "Report on a Trip to Cherry Springs State Park," by Roy Kalinowski; "Through the Eyepiece: M92 in Hercules," by Don Knabb; and "NASA Space Place - Finding Planets Among the Stars," by Dr. Tony Phillips.

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June 2011
Highlights include: "Astronomy Resources Online," by Liz Smith; "50th Anniversary of Kennedy’s Speech to Put a Man on the Moon," by John Hepler, CCAS Webmaster & Newsletter Editor; "June 2011 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb, CCAS Secretary & Observing Chair; "Through the Eyepiece: The Silver Needle Galaxy in Canes Venatici," by Don Knabb; and "NASA Space Place - Milky Way Safari," by Dauna Coulter & Dr. Tony Phillips.

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May 2011
Highlights include: "Upcoming CCAS Elections", by John Hepler, CCAS Webmaster & Newsletter Editor; "May 2011 Observing Highlights", by Don Knabb, CCAS Secretary & Observing Chair; "Telescope Review – Lunt Solar Systems LS60THa Imaging System", by Dave Hockenberry, CCAS Program Chair; "NASA Looks for Education Partners", submitted by Dave Nagel, t.h.e. Journal; "Looking Up: Mizar & Alcor", by Don Knabb; and "NASA Space Place: Cosmic Recount", by Dr. Tony Phillips.

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April 2011
Highlights include: "Equipment Review – Modified Vixen Custom Alt-Azimuth Mount," by Vic Long, Jr.; "April 2011 Observing Highlights", by Don Knabb, CCAS Secretary & Observing Chair; "Exploding Stars and Stripes in Tycho’s Supernova Remnant", submitted by Rutgers University; "Through the Eyepiece: M63 the Sunflower Galaxy in Canes Venetici", by Don Knabb; and "NASA Space Place: GOES-R, Zombie Fighter", by Dr. Tony Phillips.

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March 2011
Highlights include: "Last Launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery," by CCAS VP Kathy Buczynski; "March 2011 Observing Highlights," by CCAS Observing Chair Don Knabb; "Through the Eyepiece: NGC 2403, a spiral galaxy in Camelopardalis, the Giraffe," by Don Knabb; "NASA Space Place: Thank Goodness the Sun is Single," by Trudy E. Bell; "Anniversary of the Discovery of Jupiter’s Ring System," courtesy of NASA/JPL; and "Anniversary of First Color Images of the Surface of Venus," courtesy of NASA/NSSDC.

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February 2011
Highlights include: "Sun Pillars & Mirage with Distortion,", by Liz Smith; "Remembering Challenger / Voyager Flyby Anniversary", by CCAS Webmaster & Newsletter Editor John Hepler; "Quest for Dark Energy May Fade to Black", by Dennis Overbye, NYTimes; "Looking Up: The Winter Hexagon", by CCAS Secretary & Observing Chair Don Knabb; "NASA Space Place: Planets in Strange Places", by Trudy E. Bell; and, "CCAS Original Astrophotography," by Michael J. Joniec.

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January 2011
Highlights include: "Through the Eyepiece: M35, an Open Cluster in Gemini," by Don Knabb, CCAS Secretary & Observing Chair; "NASA Space Place: Astronomers Stumble onto Huge Space Molecules," by Trudy Bell & Dr. Tony Phillips; "Rovers Set to Celebrate 7 Years on Red Planet," by Mike Wall,; and, "NASA Finds Cracks on Shuttle Fuel Tank," by Denise Chow,

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The Society maintains on the website archival copies of all newsletters published from 1993 through the current year.
