CCAS Newsletter Archive

Newsletter Archive
The Society publishes a monthly newsletter, Observations, available to all of its members. It includes reviews of past meetings, notes on upcoming meetings, Society business, observing hints for current objects, and other items of interest to Society members. To obtain a copy of the current newsletter, join CCAS today!

Year 2003

December 2003
Highlights include "Stardust", By Patrick L. Barry and Dr. Tony Phillips; "Astronomical League Observing Awards", by Jim Anderson; "Astronomus: Hi—ya like dees?”, by Bob Popovich; and "Get Your Personalized CCAS E-Mail Address Now!", by Lisa Compton.

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November 2003
Highlights include "Hurricane Team Work", By Dr. Tony Phillips; "Astronomus: Turkeyus Majoris”, By Bob Popovich; and "Pssst—want a CCD camera for under $100?", By Jeff Goldader.

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October 2003
Highlights include "(un)Fasten your Seatbelts", By Patrick Barry and Dr. Tony Phillips; and "Astronomus: It Takes More than A Village (People)”, by Bob Popovich.

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September 2003
Highlights include "Careful Planning and Quick Improvisation Succeed in Space Biz", By Dr. Tony Phillips; and "Astronomus: Stop and Smell the Roses”, by Bob Popovich.

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August 2003
Highlights include "President’s Message", by Mike Turco; "From the Belly of an Airplane: Galaxies", By Dr. Tony Phillips; and "Astronomus: A Journal for Younger Astronomers", by Bob Popovich.

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July 2003
Highlights include "Report on NEAF held on May 17-18, 2003", by Lisa Compton; "Monster Trucks on Mars", by Patrick L. Barry and Dr. Tony Phillips; and "Astronomus: A Journal for Younger Astronomers", by Bob Popovich.

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June 2003
Highlights include "New CCAS Logo and Observations Masthead", by Jim Anderson; "Eggs in the Air", by Patrick L. Barry; and "Astronomus: A Journal for Younger Astronomers", by Bob Popovich.

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May 2003
Highlights include "Astronomus: A Journal for Younger Astronomers, 'Field Trip!'", by Bob Popovich.

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April 2003
Highlights include "Musical Satellites", by Dr. Tony Phillips; and "Astronomus: A Journal for Younger Astronomers, 'Astronomy From the Other Side'", by Bob Popovich.

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March 2003
Highlights include "Seven Strangers?", by Dr. Tony Phillips; and "Astronomus: A Journal for Younger Astronomers, 'The Milk Aisle'", by Bob Popovich.

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February 2003
Highlights include "Invisible Tornadoes", by Dr. Tony Phillips; and "Astronomus: A Journal for Younger Astronomers, 'Odds and Ends', by Bob Popovich.

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January 2003
Highlights include "Members report on Leonid Meteor Shower", from Nicholas La Para; "Frisbees in Space", by Dr. Tony Phillips; and "Astronomus: 21, A Journal for Young Astronomers, 'The Mouse With The Broken Tail'", by Bob Popovich.

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The Society maintains on the website archival copies of all newsletters published from 1993 through the current year.
