CCAS Newsletter Archive

Newsletter Archive
The Society publishes a monthly newsletter, Observations, available to all of its members. It includes reviews of past meetings, notes on upcoming meetings, Society business, observing hints for current objects, and other items of interest to Society members. To obtain a copy of the current newsletter, join CCAS today!

Year 2005

December 2005
Highlights include "CCAS December Observing Session: What a Night for a Moon Gaze!", by Jim Anderson; "CCAS Introductory Astronomy Class", by Jim Anderson; "Voices From the Cacophony", by Trudy E. Bell and Dr. Tony Phillips; and "Astronomus: Home for the Holidays”, by Bob Popovich.

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November 2005
Highlights include "John Hepler Receives His Webmaster of the Year Award", by Jim Anderson; "CCAS Display at the West Chester Restaurant Festival: September 18, 2005", by Jim Anderson; "Report on Sally Ride Science Festival", by Kathy Buczynski; "Helpful Hints From a Beginner in Pursuit of the Lunar Club Award", by Don Knabb; "Book Review: The Elegant Universe", by Bob Popovich; "A Wrinkle in Space-Time", By Trudy E. Bell; and "Astronomus: Now You See, Now You Don't", by Bob Popovich.

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October 2005
Highlights include "CCD Camera For Sale", by Pete LaFrance; "Report on the Black Forest Star Party", by Steve Limeburner; "Where No Spacecraft Has Gone Before", by Dr. Tony Phillips; and "Astronomus: Untitled", by Bob Popovich.

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September 2005
Highlights include "CCAS Trip to U.S. Naval Observatory", by Jim Anderson; "Spread the Word!", by John Hepler; "CCD Camera For Sale", by Pete La France; "Improbable Bull’s Eye", by Dr. Tony Phillips, and "Astronomus: Part Two of INSAP—From Persia to Malta”, by Bob Popovich.

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August 2005
Highlights include "CCAS Trip to U.S. Naval Observatory", by Jim Anderson; "Pete LaFrance’s Backyard Observatory", by Jim Anderson; "Newest Weather Sentry Takes Up Watch", by Patrick L. Barry; "What’s in a name? Beginners Enjoy the Advanced Observer Program at Kitt Peak", by Deborah Goldader; and "Astronomus: Prettier than a Picture", by Bob Popovich.

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July 2005
Highlights include "John Hepler named A.L.’s 2005 Webmaster of the Year!", by Jim Anderson; "First Night Report from Hercules Cluster", by Kathy Buczynski; "Moving a Mountain of a Dish" by Patrick L. Barry, and "Astronomous: Strongman" by Bob Popovich.

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June 2005
Highlights include "Outgoing President's Message", by Mike Turco; "Incoming President's Message", by Kathy Buczynski; "New Amateur Astronomy Web Resource", by Don Knabb; "Seeing in the Dark with Spitzer", by Patrick L. Barry and Dr. Tony Phillips; "John Stolar, CCAS Advisor, Retires from WCU", by Jim Anderson; and "Astronomus: Straining for the Heavens", by Bob Popovich.

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May 2005
Highlights include "Music for Stargazing", by Don Knabb; "Asian Tsunami Seen from Space", by Patrick L. Barry; "Astronomus: May Day!", by Bob Popovich; and "Astroimages", by Pete LaFrance.

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April 2005
Highlights include "NASA and JPL recognize CCAS", by Jim Anderson; "Utterly Alien", by Dr. Tony Phillips; "Astroimages" by Pete LaFrance; and "Astronomus: Vodka Tonic", by Bob Popovich.

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March 2005
Highlights include "Astronomus: The Viewing O’ The Green”, by Bob Popovich; "Astroimages", by Pete LaFrance; and "Cool Astronomy Shareware", by Don Knabb.

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February 2005
Highlights include "CCAS Officer Elections are in 2005", by Jim Anderson; "Astronomus: Good, Old Constellations", by Bob Popovich; and "Stardust Up Close", by Patrick L. Barry and Dr. Tony Phillips.

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January 2005
Highlights include "Comet Machholz 7", by Jim Anderson; "The Renaissance Man and his Observatory", By James T. Morgan, Vice-Chair of The Astronomical League, Mid East Region; and "Astronomus: My Favorite Month”, by Bob Popovich.

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The Society maintains on the website archival copies of all newsletters published from 1993 through the current year.
