CCAS Newsletter Archive

Newsletter Archive
The Society publishes a monthly newsletter, Observations, available to all of its members. It includes reviews of past meetings, notes on upcoming meetings, Society business, observing hints for current objects, and other items of interest to Society members. To obtain a copy of the current newsletter, join CCAS today!

We are proud that our former newsletter editor, Jim Anderson, won the 2006 Mabel Sterns Award for excellence in newsletter editing from the Astronomical League.

Year 2007

December 2007
Highlights include: "December Observing Highlights", by Don Knabb, CCAS Observing Chair; "Through the Eyepiece: Mars, the Red Planet", by Don Knabb; "New U.S. Postage Stamps with Aurorae", by Jim Anderson; and, "Going My Way", by Diane K. Fisher.

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November 2007
Highlights include: "Through the Eyepiece: The Open Clusters in Auriga", by Don Knabb, CCAS Observing Chair; "Star Party with West Chester Recreation", by Don Knabb; "Astronomy Trip Report: New Mexico", by Bill Marella; "Astronomus: NOvember", by Bob Popovich; and "The Red (Hot?) Planet", by Patrick L. Barry.

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October 2007
Highlights include: "Through the Eyepiece: The Double Cluster in Perseus", by Don Knabb, CCAS Observing Chair; "The Cursey Perseids", by Nicholas La Para; "Light Pollution and You, from the September Society Meeting", by Kathy Buczynski, CCAS President; "Astronomus - A Royal Family”, by Bob Popovich; and "A Missle in Your Eye", by Patrick L. Barry.

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September 2007
Highlights include: "Sunset Over Theophilus", by Vic Long; "Looking Up: Uranus, the Distant Green Jewel, by Don Knabb, CCAS Observing Chair; "Astronomus: IYA 2009", by Bob Popovich; and "Cosmic Cockroaches", by Dr. Tony Phillips.

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August 2007
Highlights include: "Looking Up: The Perseid Meteor Shower", by Don Knabb, CCAS Observing Chair; "CCAS Bus Trip to NYC: Update", by Linda Lurcott-Fragale; "2007 CCAS Lunar X Party and Picnic", by Don Knabb; "Report on Space Adventure Week", by Don Knabb; "Astronomus: Dark Sky Note", by Bob Popovich; and "Tones from the Deep", by Patrick Barry and Tony Phillips.

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July 2007
Highlights include: "July Observing Highlights", by Don Knabb, CCAS Observing Chair; "Through the Eyepiece: The Summer Triangle", by Don Knabb, CCAS Observing Chair; "CCAS Bus Trip to NYC: October 20, 2007", by Linda Lurcott-Fragale; "Astronomus: In the ’Burbs”, by Bob Popovich; and "Chew on This", by Diane K. Fisher.

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June 2007
Highlights include: "Through the Eyepiece: M22", by Don Knabb, CCAS Observing Chair; "CCAS Members Shoot the Moon", by Jim Anderson, CCAS Vice President; "Astronomus: Dragonslayer", by Bob Popovich; and "The Ions of Dawn", by Patrick L. Barry.

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May 2007
Highlights include: "through the Eyepiece: Venus, Queen of the Night", by Don Knabb, CCAS Observing Chair; "Lecture Series Addition to CCAS Library", by John Hepler; "Astronomus: What I Want to Be When I Grow Up", by Bob Popovich; and "Clouds from Top to Bottom", by Patrick L. Barry.

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April 2007
Highlights include: "Through the Eyepiece: M81 and M82 (Bode’s Galaxy and The Cigar Galaxy)", by Don Knabb, Observing Chair; "Visit to a Cub Scout Pack on March 15", by Kathy Buczynski; "Book Review: Nightwatch, A Practical Guide to Viewing the Universe", by Jim Anderson; "Astronomus: 'THE Astronomer'", by Bob Popovich; and "A Vision of the Future", by Roy Scarfo, Sr.

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March 2007
Highlights include: "New Benefit for CCAS Members", by Bob Popovich and John Hepler; "Through the Eyepiece: M1, the Crab Nebula", by Don Knabb, CCAS Observing Chair; "Astronomus: A Ride on the Main Line", by Bob Popovich; and "Even Solar Sails Need a Mast", by Patrick L. Barry.

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February 2007
Highlights include "Through the Eyepiece: NGC 457 the ET Cluster", by Don Knabb, CCAS Observing Chair; "New Benefit for CCAS Members!", by Bob Popovich & John Hepler; "More About the Franklin Institute's Refractor", by Bob Richter; "Astronomus: A Tale Swiftly Told”, by Bob Popovich; and "A Great Big Wreck", by Dr. Tony Phillips.

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January 2007
Highlights include "Through the Eyepiece: M44, the Beehive Cluster", by Don Knabb, CCAS Observing Chair; "Report on Griffith Observatory", by Robert Fellwock; "Astronomus: 1957", by Bob Popovich; and "Space Weather for Air Travelers", by Dr. Tony Phillips.

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The Society maintains on the website archival copies of all newsletters published from 1993 through the current year.
