CCAS Newsletter Archive

Newsletter Archive
The Society publishes a monthly newsletter, Observations, available to all of its members. It includes reviews of past meetings, notes on upcoming meetings, Society business, observing hints for current objects, and other items of interest to Society members. To obtain a copy of the current newsletter, join CCAS today!

We are proud that our former newsletter editor, Jim Anderson, won the 2006 Mabel Sterns Award for excellence in newsletter editing from the Astronomical League.

We are proud that our webmaster & newsletter editor, John Hepler, won the 2009 Mabel Sterns Award for excellence in newsletter editing from the Astronomical League.

We are proud that our webmaster & newsletter editor, John Hepler, won the 2016 Mabel Sterns Award for excellence in newsletter editing from the Astronomical League.

Year 2018

December 2018
Highlights include: "Real-Time Insights from WALL-E and EVE," by John Conrad, CCAS Member & NASA/JPL Ambassador; "December 2018 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb, CCAS Treasurer & Observing Chair; "Through The Eyepiece: Caroline’s Rose, NGC 7789," by Don Knabb; "The LaFrance Observatory," by Don Knabb & Pete LaFrance; and "Science Fiction Themed Soviet Era Holiday Cards," by Amber Frost & Zeon Santos; and "NASA Night Sky Notes: Observe Apollo 8’s Lunar Milestones," by David Prosper.

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November 2018
Highlights include: "NASA’s Next Mars Rover Could Explore Former Mineral Springs and a Fossil River Delta," by Paul Voosen, Science magazine; "November 2018 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb, CCAS Treasurer & Observing Chair; "Through The Eyepiece: Comet 46P/Wirtanen," by Don Knabb; and "November’s Dance of the Planets," by Jane Houston Jones & David Prosper, NASA Night Sky Network.

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October 2018
Highlights include: "Super-Earth Discovered in (Fictional) Vulcan System," by Monica Young, Sky & Telescope magazine; "October 2018 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb, CCAS Treasurer & Observing Chair; "Through the Eyepiece: Globular Cluster M15," by Don Knabb; and "NASA Space Place: Observe the Moon," by Jane Houston Jones and Jessica Stoller-Conrad.

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September 2018
Highlights include: "September 2018 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb, CCAS Treasurer & Observing Chair; "Through The Eyepiece: NGC 6871, the Cygnus Star Chain," by Don Knabb; and "NASA Space Place: A Trip Through the Milky Way," by Jane Houston Jones & Jessica Stoller-Conrad.

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August 2018
Highlights include: "Meade LXD75 Telescope Available," by Don Knabb, CCAS Treasurer & Observing Chair; "Multi-club Astronomy Event at the ChesLen Preserve on Saturday August 18th," by Fred DeLuca; "August 2018 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb; "Through The Eyepiece: Messier 6, the Butterfly Cluster," by Don Knabb; and "NASA Space Place: The Best Meteor Shower of the Year," by Jane Houston Jones and Jessica Stoller-Conrad.

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July 2018
Highlights include: "NASA Certificate of Appreciation Awarded to CCAS," by Roger Taylor, CCAS President; "July 2018 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb, CCAS Treasurer & Observing Chair; "Through The Eyepiece: Mars, the Red Planet," by Don Knabb; and "NASA Space Place: A Close-Up View of Mars," by Jane Houston Jones & Jessica Stoller-Conrad.

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June 2018
Highlights include: "NASA Night Sky Network Outreach Certificate Awarded," by Roger Taylor, CCAS President; "June 2018 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb, CCAS Treasurer & Observing Chair; "Through The Eyepiece: Rupes Recta, the Straight Wall on the Moon," by Don Knabb; and "NASA Space Place: What Is the Asteroid Belt?" by Linda Hermans-Killiam.

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May 2018
Highlights include: "NASA Night Sky Network Outreach Certificates Awarded," by Roger Taylor, CCAS President; "Book Review: Apollo 8—The Thrilling Story of the First Mission to the Moon," by Don Knabb, CCAS Treasurer & Observing Chair; "May 2018 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb; "Through The Eyepiece: The Sombrero Galaxy, M104," by Don Knabb; and "NASA Space Place: What’s It Like Inside Mars?, by Jessica Stoller-Conrad.

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April 2018
Highlights include: "CCAS Member Awarded NASA Night Sky Network Astronomy Outreach Certificate," by Roger Taylor, CCAS President; "April 2018 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb, CCAS Treasurer & Observing Chair; "Through the Eyepiece: M64, M64, the Black Eye Galaxy or Evil Eye Galaxy," by Don Knabb; and "NASA Space Place: Measuring the Movement of Water on Earth," by Teagan Wall.

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March 2018
Highlights include: "Flagship U.S. Space Telescope Facing Further Delays," by Daniel Clery, Science Magazine; "March 2018 Observing Highlights by Don Knabb, CCAS Treasurer & Observing Chair; "Through The Eyepiece: NGC 2169, the “37” Cluster," by Don Knabb; and "NASA Space Place: What Is the Ionosphere?" by Linda Hermans-Killiam.

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February 2018
Highlights include: "Astronomers Hope to Glimpse Giant Newborn Planet’s Rings and Moons During Rare Transit," by Daniel Clery, Science Magazine; "February 2018 Observing Highlights," by Don Knabb, CCAS Treasurer & Observing Chair; "Through The Eyepiece: M 109, the Vacuum Cleaner Galaxy," by Don Knabb; and "NASA Space Place: Sixty Years of Observing Our Earth," by Teagan Wall.

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January 2018
Highlights include: "January 2018 Observing Highlights ," Don Knabb, CCAS Treasurer & Observing Chair; "Through The Eyepiece: The Eskimo Nebula, NGC 2392," by Don Knabb; and "NASA Space Place: Snowy Worlds Beyond Earth," by Linda Hermans-Killiam.

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The Society maintains on the website archival copies of all newsletters published from 1993 through the current year.
