CCAS Newsletter Archive

Newsletter Archive
The Society publishes a monthly newsletter, Observations, available to all of its members. It includes reviews of past meetings, notes on upcoming meetings, Society business, observing hints for current objects, and other items of interest to Society members. To obtain a copy of the current newsletter, join CCAS today!

We are proud that our former newsletter editor, Jim Anderson, won the 2006 Mabel Sterns Award for excellence in newsletter editing from the Astronomical League.

Year 2006

December 2006
Highlights include: "Through the Eyepiece: The Christmas Tree Cluster, NGC 2264", by Don Knabb, CCAS Observing Chair; "CCAS Introductory Astronomy Class", by Kathy Buczynski, CCAS Education Chair; "Astronomus: What to do on a December Night", by Bob Popovich; and "Martian Devils", by Dr. Tony Phillips.

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November 2006
Highlights include: "November Observing Highlights", by Don Knabb, CCAS Observing Chair; "Transit of Mercury", by Kathy Buczynski; "Podcasts and WebQuests", by John Hepler, CCAS Webmaster; "Celestial Adventure on the Beach", by Steve Limeburner; "Astonomus: Milkyway Zig Zag", by Bob Popovich; and "The Planet in the Machine", by Diane K. Fischer and Dr. Tony Phillips.

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October 2006
Highlights include: "Through the Eyepiece:The Pleiades, Jewels of the Night", by Don Knabb, CCAS Observing Chair; "Jim Anderson Receives Mabel Sterns Award", by Kathy Buczynski, CCAS President; "Astroimages", by Pete LaFrance; "Astronomus: Don't Leave Home Without It", by Bob Popovich; and "Staggering Distance", by Dr. Tony Phillips.

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September 2006
Highlights include: "Through the Eyepiece: The Andromeda Galaxy: Fuzzy Spot Supreme!", by Don Knabb, CCAS Observing Chair; "Monthly Planetarium Shows", by Jim Anderson; "Pluto—Mickey’s Dog???", by Kathy Buczynski, CCAS President; "Astroimages", by Pete LaFrance; "Astronomus: Paradoxically", by Bob Popovich; and "Deadly Planets", by Patrick L. Barry and Dr. Tony Phillips.

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August 2006
Highlights include: "August Observing Highlights", by Don Knabb, Observing Chair; "Through the Eyepiece: The Heavenly Harp, Ring Nebula and Coat Hanger Cluster", by Don Knabb; CCAS USNO Trip Update: Change of Date", by Linda Lurcott Fragale, Trip Coordinator; "Astroimages", by Pete LaFrance; "Astronomus: Z for...", by Bob Popovich; and "Celebrating Forty Years of Intent Listening", Diane K. Fisher.

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July 2006
Highlights include: "July Observing Highlights", by Don Knabb, CCAS Observing Chair; "Through the Eyepiece: The Big Bug of the Summer - Scorpius", by Don Knabb, CCAS Observing Chair; "Jim Anderson Wins Astronomical League's Mabel Sterns Award for Best Newsletter Editor", by Kathy Buczynski; "Jupiter via Webcam", by Vic Long; "Willistown Country Day School Event", by Kathy Buczynski; "Astronomus: A Law is a Law—Except When It’s Not!", by Bob Popovich; and "From Thunderstorms to Solar Storms", by Patrick L. Barry.

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June 2006
Highlights include: "Through the Eyepiece: Sagittarius, Feast of the Summer Sky", by Don Knabb, CCAS Observing Chair; "CCAS Astronomy Day Display", by Jim Anderson; "Sometimes Persistence Pays Off", by Vic Long; "Astronomus: Seeing Red", by Bob Popovich; and "Not a Moment Wasted", by Dr. Tony Phillips.

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May 2006
Highlights include: "Through the Eyepiece: M13, the Great Globular Cluster in Hercules", by Don Knabb; "President announces Founder’s Award", by Kathy Buczynski; "Astronomus: On Assignment", by Bob Popovich; and "Who Wants to be a Daredevil?", by Patrick L. Berry and Dr. Tony Phillips.

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April 2006
Highlights include: "Through the Eyepiece: The Return of the King", by Don Knabb; "Photos from the March Lunar Eclipse Party", photos by Kathy Buczynski & text by Jim Anderson; "Astronomus: Reclining Nude", by Bob Popovich; and "Planets in Strange Places", by Trudy E. Bell.

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March 2006
Highlights include "Report on CCAS February Meeting", by Jim Anderson and Kathy Buczynski; "Report on CCAS Observing Session", by Don Knabb; "Binocular Sky Hook", by Don Knabb; "Astronomus: Beware the Ides of March - Not", by Bob Popovich; and "Micro-sats with Macro-potential", by Patrick L. Barry.

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February 2006
Highlights include "Report on CCAS January Observing Session", by Don Knabb; "Hercules Observing Cluster Update", by Kathy Buczynski; "CCAS Program Updates", by Jim Anderson; "Astronomus: Time—Constant and Variable”, By Bob Popovich; "What’s Your Pleasure?", by Nicholas La Para; and "Snowstorm on Pluto", by Dr. Tony Phillips.

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January 2006
Highlights include "CCAS Trip to Washington: Update", by Jim Anderson; "Safe Cleaning of Optics", by Bruce Holenstein; "Good Outdoor Lighting Website", by Jim Anderson; "A New View of the Andromeda Galaxy", by Dr. Tony Phillips and Patrick L. Barry; and "Astronomus: Don't Let This Sleeping Dog Lie”, by Bob Popovich.

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The Society maintains on the website archival copies of all newsletters published from 1993 through the current year.
