CCAS Newsletter Archive

Newsletter Archive
The Society publishes a monthly newsletter, Observations, available to all of its members. It includes reviews of past meetings, notes on upcoming meetings, Society business, observing hints for current objects, and other items of interest to Society members. To obtain a copy of the current newsletter, join CCAS today!

We are proud that our former newsletter editor, Jim Anderson, won the 2006 Mabel Sterns Award for excellence in newsletter editing from the Astronomical League.

We are proud that our webmaster & newsletter editor, John Hepler, won the 2009 Mabel Sterns Award for excellence in newsletter editing from the Astronomical League.

Year 2010

December 2010
Highlights include: "The Library is Open!", by CCAS Librarian Barb Knabb; "An Invitation to Present", by ALCON 2011 Co-Chair Lowell Lyon; "Through the Eyepiece: M78, A Reflection Nebula in Orion", CCAS Secretary & Observing Chair Don Knabb; "Advanced Astrophotography Workshop at Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter", by CCAS Program Chair Dave Hockenberry & Ann Miller; "NASA Space Place: Blue Rings Around Red Galaxies", by Trudy Bell & Dr. Tony Phillips; and "DVD Review: Mystery in the Sky", by Fred De Lucia.

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November 2010
Highlights include: "Spring 2011 Speakers Needed", by CCAS Program Chair Dave Hockenberry; "Remembering Robert H. Koch", by Joanne Koch, Michael Corcoran, Bruce Holenstein & Edward Sion; "Through the Eyepiece: The Triangulum Galaxy, Messier 33", by Don Knabb, CCAS Secretary & Program Chair; "A Night of Stars", by CCAS Webmaster & News Letter Editor John Hepler; "NASA Space Place: Close Encounters with Jupiter", by Dr. Tony Phillips; "How to Weigh a Star Using a Moon", submitted by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center, Cambridge, MA; "CCAS Night Out at Jenner's Pond", by Don Knabb; and, "Jim Lovell Lectures at Indiana University of Pennsylvania", by IUP Student Megan Guza.

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October 2010
Highlights include: "Through the Eyepiece: Comet Hartley 2", by Don Knabb, CCAS Secretary and Observing Chair; "A Guided Tour through the Steward Observatory Mirror Lab", by Dave Hockenberry and Ann Miller; "NASA Space Place - The Hunt is On!", by Carolyn Brinkworth; and "Weekend Iridescence", by Liz Smith.

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September 2010
Highlights include: "Through the Eyepiece - Messier 17, The Swan Nebula," by Don Knabb, CCAS Secretary & Observing Chair; NASA Space Place: The Turbulent Tale of a Tiny Galaxy," by Trudy Bell & Dr. Tony Phillips; and "Goodbye Jack Horkheimer," by CCAS Program Chair Dave Hockenberry.

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August 2010
Highlights include: "CCAS Member Earns Another Astronomical League Award," by CCAS President Roger Taylor; "Through the Eyepiece - NGC 4565, The Flying Saucer Galaxy," by Don Knabb, CCAS Secretary & Observing Chair; NASA Space Place: The Sun Can Still Remind Us Who’s Boss," by Dr. Tony Phillips; and "CCAS Founder’s Award Presentation," by CCAS President Roger Taylor.

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July 2010
Highlights include: "Through the Eyepiece - M24, the Sagittarius Star Cloud," by Don Knabb, CCAS Secretary & Observing Chair; "NASA Space Place: Black Holes No Joke," by Dr. Tony Phillips; and "First Superstorm on an Exoplanet Observed," submitted by ESO, Garching, Germany.

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June 2010
Highlights include: "Through the Eyepiece: The Whale and the Hockey Stick Galaxies," by CCAS Secretary & Observing Chair Don Knabb; "NASA Space Place: Ancient Supernova Riddle, Solved," by Dr. Tony Phillips; "Starstuff: Copernicus & the Shuttle," by CCAS President Roger Taylor; and "Movie Review: Moon," by Don Knabb.

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May 2010
Highlights include: "Looking Up: the Three Leaps of the Gazelles," by CCAS Secretary & Observing Chair Don Knabb; "NASA Space Place: A Rock Hound is Born," submitted by Jet Propulsion Laboratory; and, "Astrophotography Review: Starlight Xpress SXVR M25C Color CCD Camera," by CCAS Program Chair Dave Hockenberry.

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April 2010
Highlights include: "Through the Eyepiece: Markarian’s Chain in the constellation Virgo," by CCAS Secretary & Observing Chair Don Knabb; "NASA Space Place: Deadly Planets," by Patrick L. Barry & Dr. Tony Phillips; "Night Out: Greenwood Elementary School," by Don Knabb; "Starstuff April 2010: Mars Psych," by Roger Taylor, CCAS President; "CCAS has a New Librarian!" by John Hepler, CCAS Webmaster & Newsletter Editor; and "CCAS Member Earns Astronomical League Award," by Kathy Buczynski, CCAS Vice President & Education Chair.

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March 2010
Highlights include: "NASA Gives Kids Their Own Guide to Climate Change", submitted by Laura K. Lincoln, JPL Space Place Coordinator; "Through the Eyepiece: The Horsehead Nebula", by Don Knabb, CCAS Secretary & Observing Chair; "Flipping the Lights on Cosmic Darkness", submitted by Jet Propulsion Laboratory; "Project ASTRO Needs You!", by Dr. Karen Vanlandingham, PhD, West Chester University; and "Web Application Review: SLOOH SpaceCamera", by John Hepler, CCAS Webmaster & Newsletter Editor.

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February 2010
Highlights include: "Through the Eyepiece: NGC 2169, the "37" Cluster", by Don Knabb, CCAS Secretary & Observation Chair; "Astrophotography Review: Spike-A Bahtinov Focusing Mask", by Dave Hockenberry, CCAS Program Chair; "NASA Space Place: Building a Case Against Ozone", by Patrick Barry; "Starstuff: The Mercury 13", by Roger Taylor, CCAS President; and, "Homemade Wooden Tripod", by Vic Long, Jr.

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January 2010
Highlights include: "Through the Eyepiece: Collinder 70, Orion's Belt," by Don Knabb, CCAS Secretary & Observing Chair; "NASA Space Place: Sunglasses for a Solar Observatory," by Patrick Barry; "46th International Astronomical Youth Camp, IAYC 2010" by Klaas Vantournhout, President, The International Workshop for Astronomy e.V.; and, "Fall 2009 CCAS Survey Results," by John C. Hepler, CCAS Webmaster & Newsletter Editor.

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The Society maintains on the website archival copies of all newsletters published from 1993 through the current year.
