CCAS Scrapbook of Photographs

CCAS Scrapbook
The Chester County Astronomical Society maintains an active calendar of public events throughout the year. Our scrapbook of photos from our events demonstrates our commitment to the local community and to the science of astronomy.

If your school or civic organization is interested in hosting a Night Out, contact our Observing Coordinator, Don Knabb. If you're interested in an educational demonstration, please contact our Education Chairperson, Kathy Buczynski.

Click picture to open each scrapbook

Year 2009
The Chester County Astronomical Society had an exciting year of observations and public outreach in support of the International Year of Astronomy 2009.

Annual Holiday Party
This year CCAS members gathered at Bob & Betsy Popovich's house to celebrate the holidays and the end of a rewarding year.

Project Astro
Project Astro is a program started by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific that pairs an astronomer (amateur or professional) with a school or classroom. Dr. Karen Van Landingham of West Chester University applied for grants to start the program here and 2009 is the inaugural year.

IYA2009 Night Out
The Chester County Astronomical Society worked with the National Park Service at Ridley Creek State Park on June 27th, 2009. The event took place during the National Wildlife Federation’s "Great Backyard Campout" event.

Visit to Lowell Planetarium & Meteor Crater
CCAS founder Ed Lurcott and family visited the Lowell Planetarium in Flagstaff, AZ, and Meteor Creater, near Winslow, AZ in May 2009.

Spitz Planetarium Factory Tour
CCAS sponsored a tour of Spitz, Inc. in April 2009. Located in Chadds Ford, the company is a leader in planetarium construction and geodesic domes.

Awards & Recognition
Several CCAS members were honored with the Edwin Lurcott Founder's Award for their contributions to the Society. Once again the Society won the AL Mabel Sterns Award for its newsletter, Observations. Elections were held, and a new president took over in September 2009.
