Field Trip to the Lowell Observatory
In May 2009, CCAS founder Ed Lurcott, his wife, and daughter Linda Lurcott Fragale traveled to Flagstaff, Arizona, to attend his granddaughter's college graduation. After the ceremony, the family toured the Lowell Observatory and visited Meteor Crater, near Winslow, Arizona.

Click picture for close up view
Ed Lurcott at Meteor Crater.
Meteor Crater is nearly 1 mile across, 2.4 miles in circumference and more than 550 ft. deep.
Lowell Observatory
Partnered with the Perth Observatory in Perth, Western Australia since 1971.
Pluto Discovery Observatory
Houses the 24" Clark Refracting Telescope.
Percival Lowell is buried in this tomb.
On display in the Rotunda Library Museum.
Take Note
Lowell’s observations notebook on display in the museum.
High Tech Structure
The truck tires used to rotate the observatory’s wooden dome.
Scout's Telescope
Used to decide on the observatory’s location.
Percival's Perch
The library ladder and wooden chair.