Our Annual Holiday Party - 2009
On Tuesday, December 8th, 2009, Chester County Astronomical Society members and their families gathered at CCAS Treasurer Bob Popovich's house in Exton to celebrate the holiday season together. Hosts Bob and Betsy opened their home from 6 to 9pm. A special thanks to Kathy Buczynski who filled in as photographer for the evening.

Click picture for close up view
Vic & Steve
CCAS members Vic Long & Steve Leiden catch up.
Artist at Rest
Nicholas La Para contemplating his next cartoon.
Bottle Shock
Bill O'Hara & Dave Hockenberry.
Holiday Spirit
Pat Friel & Bob Popovich share a laugh.
Another Artist
Former Librarian Linda Lurcott Fragale creates jewelry.
Comparing Notes
Current (Don Knabb) and former (Vic Long) CCAS Secretaries.
Family Welcome!
CCAS Members can bring their spouses & children.
Ann & Betsy
Ann Miller & hostess Betsy Popovich.
The Stars Beckon
Bill O'Hara compares notes with Don & Barb Knabb.