CCAS Scrapbook of Photographs

CCAS Scrapbook
The Chester County Astronomical Society maintains an active calendar of public events throughout the year. Our scrapbook of photos from our events demonstrates our commitment to the local community and to the science of astronomy.

If your school or civic organization is interested in hosting a Night Out, contact our Observing Coordinator, Don Knabb. If you're interested in an educational demonstration, please contact our Education Chairperson, Kathy Buczynski.

Click picture to open each scrapbook

Year 2007
The Chester County Astronomical Society had an exciting year of observations and public outreach in 2007.

Annual Lunar X Party
Once again CCAS members gathered together in July to try to spot the elusive lunar X.

Local Star Parties
The Chester County Astronomical Society worked with local organizations in Kennett Square and West Chester to hold star parties during the autumn months of 2007.

Spring Classes and Children's Programs
CCAS offered introductory astronomy classes again in the spring months open to the public. The society also participated in Space Adventure Week, a children's program sponsored by the West Chester Dept. of Parks & Recreation.

Hayden Planetarium Field Trip
CCAS sponsored a bus trip to the Hayden Planetarium in New York City. The trip was open to members and the public. Participants enjoyed the planetarium show and then were free to tour the rest of the museum or the city at large.
