CCAS Original Photography

CCAS Astrophotography
Here are photographs taken by our members. If you have original photographs that you would like posted on our site, please contact us!

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M33, Triangulum Galaxy
by Gaston Baudat
Photo taken from my backyard observatory in Glenmoore on Saturday, November 28th, 2010. Target: M33, Triangulum Galaxy, 66 minutes of total exposure (22 x 3 minutes) at -20 degrees C. Scope: Takahashi FSQ 85-ED. Mount: Celestron CGE. Imager: SBIG ST4000 XCM. Guider: SBIG remote guider head. Processing: Dark, flat, bias frame calibration and pre -processing on Maxim -DL. Final image processing on Photoshop.

M31, The Andromeda Galaxy
by Gaston Baudat
Photo taken from my backyard observatory in Glenmoore on Saturday, November 13th, 2010. Scope: Takahashi FSQ-85ED apochromat at f/5.3. Guider: C11 at f/10 + SBIG remote guider head. Mount: CGE. Imager: SBIG ST4000XCM at -20C.14 x 3 = 42 minutes of total exposure. Processing: Maxim DL.

NGC6888, Crescent Nebula
by Gaston Baudat
Taken on October 9th, 2010, from my back yard observatory at Glenmoore PA. Image is 15 x 8 minutes exposure for a total of one hour. Dark, flat and bias frame calibration, processing Maxim DL. Mount: CGE; Scope: C11 at prime focal; Imager: SBIG ST4000XCM + AO8; Guider: SBIG remote guiding head & a homemade on-axis guider.

M27, The Dumbbell Nebula
by Gaston Baudat
The planetary nebula Dumbbell (M27) in the constellation Vulpecula (the fox) taken on Friday November 6th, 2009 (7:37 pm) from my back yard observatory at Glenmoore PA. 36 x 2 minutes exposure, dark and flat frame corrected, stacked, aligned, and processed with Maxim DL. Telescope: Celestron C11 at f/6.3; Mount: CGE; Imager: SBIG ST4000XCM with AO8 + "Orion" Skyglow imaging filter; Guider: Home made on-axis guider + SBIG remote guider head.

M13, The Hercules Globular Cluster
by Gaston Baudat
Images taken August 16th 2009 at Glenmoore PA. 12 images of 4 minutes each, stacked, aligned, and processed with Maxim DL. Scope: Celestron C11 at f:6.3; Imager: SBIG ST4000 XCM with Orion 2" skyglow astrophotography filter; Guider: SBIG remote guiding head with AO-8 and home made on-axis guider.

The Leo Trio
by Gaston Baudat
The Leo Trio: M65, M66, and NGC3628. Photo processed from 8 images of 300 second each taken on April 27th 2009 from my backyard observatory in Glenmoore, PA. Photo details: Apochromat Eon 80mm refracting telescope, Celestron CGE mount, SBIG ST2000XCM color CCD camera, and Orion SkyGlow imaging filter. The image was taken and processed with Maxim DL software.

Comet Lulin
by Gaston Baudat
Taken on Tuesday, February 24th, 2009, at 11:42 PM EST from my backyard observatory in Glenmoore, PA. 45 images of 1 minute each, stacked and aligned with MaxImDl. The field of view is 1 degree 30 minutes. Piggyback "Eon" apochromat refractor 80mm f/6.2 on a Celestron C11/ CGE mount. Imager: SBIG ST2000XCM and Guider: Home made on axis dichroic auto-guider with "Meade" B/W DSI imager. The green color comes from the fluorescence of the cyanogen (CN) and diatomic carbon (C2) gases illuminated by the sun light.
