




What are WebQuests?
A WebQuest is an inquiry-oriented activity in which most or all of the information used by students is online. By providing links necessary to complete the quest, the student is able to focus on the material rather than spend time looking for it. The five-part WebQuest (Introduction, Task, Resources, Process, Evaluation, and Conclusion) promotes critical thinking at the levels of analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
Elementary Students

- The Search for a New World - A Webquest for Fifth Grade Students
A WebQuest from Penn State University, Harrisburg Campus, Middletown, PA.
Students are given a scenario where they must review the other planets of our solar system and decide which will make a new home for humanity.
- The Solar System! - A WebQuest for Grades 3 through 5
A WebQuest from Framingham State College, Framingham, MA.
You and your mission team will become experts on one of the planets. Your mission team will need to research a specific planet and will need to convince the rest of the astronauts (your classmates) that your planet is the best vacation spot in the universe!
- Solar System – A WebQuest for Grade 6 (Science)
A WebQuest from Iredell-Statesville Schools, Statesville, NC.
This is a webquest to give the students a better understanding of our solar system. After completing the assignment, they will know about our closest neighbors and maybe think about the possibilities of actual interplanetary visits. This is a multidisciplinary webquest. Subjects used are science, math, language arts, art, and computer science.
Middle School Students

- Human Life on Mars...What's it like? – A WebQuest for Middle School Science Students
A WebQuest from University of Richmond, Richmond, VA.
This WebQuest is designed to give students an opportunity to cooperatively explore the possibilities of colonizing the planet Mars. In order to complete this project, students are assigned specific tasks to focus on, but ultimately must work as a team to be successful.
- Investigating the Dynamic Martian Polar Caps - A SpaceQuest for grades 5 through 8
A WebQuest from the Montana State University, Bozeman, MT.
This WebQuest is part of the CERES Project. A team of master teachers, university faculty, and NASA researchers have created a series of web-based astronomy and astrobiology lessons for the CERES Project. These classroom-ready activities for K-12 students represent a robust combination of contemporary teaching / learning strategies from the National Science Education Standards (NRC, 1996), exciting and current NASA science data, and Internet pointers to an endless supply of accurate and timely resources.
- Out of This World - A WebQuest for 6th Grade Science
A WebQuest from the Catawba County School District, Newton, NC.
Welcome to NASA Travel. Planet tours are being scheduled next year. Your ad agency has been hired to serve as consultants to gather the needed information. The team with the best presentation will be invited to be on the first NASA Travel tour to their planet. Good luck!
High School Students

- Space Science Academy – A WebQuest for 9th Grade Science
A WebQuest from Prince of Wales Secondary School in Vancouver, BC.
Students create an experiment to be carried on a space mission. They must persuade a panel that they should receive necessary funding and that their experiment is worthy of inclusion on a space mission. Students also keep an electronic journal of space related news articles.
- Mars Project - Is it Alive? - A WebQuest for High School Biology Students
A WebQuest from Mira Mesa High School, San Diego, CA.
The NASA Project involves students in a semester long project in which students attempt, at the request of NASA, to use their biological understanding of life to test an unknown "mystery substance from Mars" and determine whether the substance represents a life form. They design and conduct experiments on the material and summarize their findings in a report to NASA.
This lesson was developed as part of the San Diego Unified School District's Triton Project, a federally funded Technology Innovation Challenge Grant by Diana Bentley, a teacher at Mira Mesa High School.
A WebQuest from Penn State University, Harrisburg Campus, Middletown, PA.
Students must compare Mars and the Moon and research the possibility of establishing a colony on one of the two bodies. This webquest meets the standard for students to be able to "Discern essential ideas about the composition and structure of the universe and the Earth’s place in it."
- Sun's Impact On Earth's Temperature - A SpaceQuest for grades 9 through 12
A WebQuest from the Montana State University, Bozeman, MT.
This WebQuest is part of the CERES Project. A team of master teachers, university faculty, and NASA researchers have created a series of web-based astronomy and astrobiology lessons for the CERES Project. These classroom-ready activities for K-12 students represent a robust combination of contemporary teaching / learning strategies from the National Science Education Standards (NRC, 1996), exciting and current NASA science data, and Internet pointers to an endless supply of accurate and timely resources.
- Take-Off into Space - A Web Quest designed for 9th Grade Science
A Web Quest from the American School of Tampico, Tampico, Mexico.
The year is 2051. You have been chosen as a member of an enterprising team that will be leading a guided tour of a specific planet. You have unlimited financial backing from the government, mainly because your company will be able to bring in incredible amounts of money if successful. Never before has this type of adventure travel been offered to the public.
