CCAS Annual Holiday Party 2008
The CCAS Annual Holiday Gathering was held on December 9th, 2008, at the Landmark Americana Bar & Restaurant in downtown West Chester. CCAS members and their family gathered to celebrate the holiday season and share some good food, holiday cheer, astronomical stories and camaraderie.

Click picture for close up view
Holiday Party 2008
Kathy Buczynski and Don Knabb enjoy some holiday cheer.
Holiday Party 2008
CCAS Treasurer Bob Popovich, CCAS Librarian Linda Fragale and Betsy Popovich.
Holiday Party 2008
Nicholas La Para shares a laugh with Bea Mazziotta and Gary Calobrisi.
Holiday Party 2008
Good food & a chance to catch up with friends.
Holiday Party 2008
Apparently Dave isn’t sure whose drink he has...
Holiday Party 2008
Steve Leiden compares notes with Ed Lurcott.