Astronaut Sally Ride in West Chester, PA!
Sally Ride Science™ and GlaxoSmithKline presented the "Delaware Valley Science Festival at West Chester University for 5th - 8th Grade Girls" on October 9th, 2005. The event lasted from 11:00am until 5:00pm. Approximately 450 students and their parents heard an inspiring speech by astronaut Sally Ride. Before and after her speech, participants were treated to a street fair with music, food and exhibits. After Sally's speech, students dug into hands-on science activities, sponsored by a number of local companies and organizations. For more information go to

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Expanding Universe
Kathy demonstrates her version of the expanding universe.
Barb & Don show how binoculars are used in Astronomy.
Sign up sheets for society membership and Spring classes.
Brochures & Pamphlets
We had a variety of information on astronomy available for everyone.
Booksigning Queue
A long line of people to meet Sally Ride.
Sally Ride
Gracious and accessible, she made everyone feel important.
Brandywine Valley
Our friends from the BVA were in the booth beside us.
One of the CCAS telescopes was very popular.
Founder Support
Our founder Ed was on hand to answer questions.