The Year 2007 in Photographs
Here are photographs taken by CCAS members throughout the year documenting our events and accomplishments. Thanks to all members who made 2007 such an exciting year!

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Amazing Clouds
Early evening clouds waiting for the lunar X.
Lunar X Seekers
Five telescopes and several pairs of binoculars were set up.
Lunar X Party
The nearly first quarter Moon in the beautiful evening sky.
Lunar X Party
Ready for the evening's stargazing.
Lunar X Party
As the sun set we zoomed in on the Moon and started the search for the Lunar X.
Lunar X Party
Barb Knabb viewing the Lunar X through Bob Richter’s telescope.
On July 21st we held our annual CCAS Lunar X party. Members, spouses, and neighbors gathered at the Knabb observing circle and enjoyed the beautiful clouds, sunset and the night sky. We saw a beautiful crescent Venus and observed Jupiter when it rose above the trees. The moon was the main event and we all watched the play of shadow and light move across the moon as the evening progressed. At first we saw the “Lunar Comma,” then the Lunar “Less Than Sign” (or “Greater Than Sign” depending on your optics). Then the full Lunar X was seen as the last event of the night!
This year we were successful! We were able to see the elusive Lunar X feature on the moon just before it ducked behind the neighbor's trees! So yes, it does exist and with planning and a bit of luck it can be seen from Chester County skies.