Learn Your Way Around the Moon!
The Lunar Club is an informal "club" open to any CCAS member who wants to earn the
Astronomical League's Lunar Club Certificate (and lapel pin). The purpose of the program
is to learn the features of our nearest neighbor in space, the Moon. Participants will
find "seas", craters, mountains, vallies, and more: even the famous Man in the Moon!
Copies of the program description and its rules and regulations are available on the Astronomical League website.
This program includes naked-eye observations of the Moon, binocular observations, and telescopic observations. You must keep a logbook as you locate the 100 objects on the AL list, but all you must write is the date and time you found each object. When you have
found all 100 objects, submit your logbook to the CCAS Coordinator for the Lunar Club, Don Knabb. He will review your logbook and request your award from the Astronomical League.
And then when people ask you, "What are you, some kind of certified lunatic?", you can reply, "Why yes I am, would you like to see the certificate?"
