




Astronomy Discussion Groups
If you are looking for a valuable resource for information about anything related to Astronomy, consider joining an on-line discussion group or forum. Some forums are restricted and focus on specific subjects, while others are wide-open where any astronomy topic is discussed.
On-Line Forums

Listed below are some of the most popular astronomy-related forums on the Internet. All of these forums are monitored by a forum moderator. All posted messages are reviewed by the moderators for content and tone. Forum moderators usually weed out the unwanted and inappropriate messages.
Usenet Newsgroups

Another type of on-line resource for astronomy are Usenet newsgroups. These exchanges are the 'wild west' of the Internet, with no moderation of communication between participants. Inevitably some people will post notes that will offend others.
Please note that the Chester County Astronomical Society does not endorse any individual forum or newsgroup. We can not be held responsible for the comments made by others on-line.