Find Colorful Double Stars!
The Double Star Club is an informal "club" open to any CCAS member who wants to earn the Astronomical League's Double Star Club Certificate (and lapel pin). The purpose of the program is to learn more about stars that are actually multiple star systems: two or more stars that are gravitationally bound, like the Sun and its planets. Many of these stellar multiples show color contrasts in amateur telescopes, and some are quite lovely!
Copies of the program description and its rules and regulations are available on the Astronomical League website.
This program has an observing list of one hundred of the finest double stars in our skies. You must keep a logbook as you locate the 100 systems on the AL list, including a simple drawing of the relation of the stars to each other as they appeared in your telescope. The
drawing is just a dot for each star, with an indication of north and the other directions marked. Color and fine art are not required! When you have found all 100 systems, submit your logbook to the CCAS Coordinator for the Double Star Club, Don Knabb. He will review your logbook and request your award from the Astronomical League.
Click on the links below for an updated list of double stars and help on locating them.
Updated Double Star List
Double Star Finding Aids
